Simple GitHub workflow for Django project with local database

I manage several sites (like this blog) and I was looking for simple and easy workflow for revision system.

I looked for these qualities:

  • Upload to GitHub
  • Easy to create
  • Easily maintainable
  • Transparent and simple
  • Easy works with nginx (and in my case Gunicorn)


I end up with solution inspired by this this article. Very shortly.

Notion: Replace $ABSOLUTEPATH with the absolute path of your baseDir - in my case something like /var/www. Here is the solution:

  1. In base directory (for this guide it's baseDir) create folder production and work_dir
  2. In base directory run git init --bare. New directory called baseDir.git will be created
  3. Copy following into baseDir.git/hooks/pre-post-receive:

    git --work-tree=$ABSOLUTEPATH/baseDir/production --git-dir=$ABSOLUTEPATH/baseDir/baseDir.git checkout -f
    sudo chown -R nginx:webdata $ABSOLUTEPATH/baseDir/production
  4. Place your files in your work_dir, git init -itialize it and possibly connect it as origin remote to GitHub if needed.

  5. Set new remote to production by running: git remote add production file:///$ABSOLUTEPATH/baseDir/baseDir.git/
  6. Do your work in work_dir. I have one simple rule: Never make changes in master - everything in master can be any time pushed to production. So for change I create new branch, test it and when it's ready, just merge it to master.
  7. When you do your changes and merge them to master, push them to production by running git push production.


Permissions nginx is run by user nginx and group webdata for security reasons as recommended. Hence, is good if all files on production are owned by those. But I usually work as different user. It is problem, e.g. when I create a file or so - it's owned by the different user and not the nginx. For that reason there is this line in pre-post-receive:

sudo chown -R nginx:webdata ABSOLUTEPATH/baseDir/production

it's the only solution I found. But problem is that you need to use sudo, which seems as an overkill to me...



When I use basic settings from django with sqlite database, I sometimes overwrote my up-to-date production database with the one in working directory. Adding database to .gitignore doesn't seem as a good idea, because when I change models and migrate, it doesn't pushed itself. It's questionable if my solution is necessary, since migrations are very rare, but anyway... Maybe it would be better to have it in .gitignore and copy database manually just in these rare cases.

Solution to this problem is adding this to your work_dir/.git/hooks/pre-commit:


import hashlib
import sys
basedir = "$ABSOLTEPATH/baseDir/"

workdb = basedir + "work_dir/django/db.sqlite3"
productdb = basedir + "production/django/db.sqlite3"

hashes = [hashlib.md5(f).digest() for f in 
            open(workdb, "rb").read(), 
            open(productdb, "rb").read()

if hashes[0] == hashes[1]:
    print("Databases are same")
elif hashes[0] != hashes[1]:

    sys.stdin = open('/dev/tty')
    print("Database on production is different than the one in the working directory")

    resp = input("Do you want to backup current working directory database and copy the production database to working directory? [Y/N]")
    if resp.lower() == "y":
        import subprocess

        bckpcontrol =["cp", workdb, workdb + "_backup"])
        if bckpcontrol != 0:
            print("Can't create backup of database")

        cpcontrol =["cp", productdb, workdb])
        if cpcontrol != 0:
            print("Database wasn't copied due to error")
        elif cpcontrol == 0:
            print("Database copied")

        print("No changes. Exiting...")

Secret key in

I backup my work on GitHub and I don't pay for it (my projects are really small and not private). But in of django workflow contains private data, like SECRET_KEY which works for generating new passwords and such. For that reason it's not a good idea to have it publicly on GitHub. I'm going to create a hook for that in future, possibly using sed and awk linux tools.