Solving second-order ODE by the finite difference method in Python

Following code solves this second order linear ordinary differential equation $ y''+7y=8\cos(4x)+\sin^{2}(2x), y(0)=\alpha, y(\pi/2)=\beta $

by the finite differences method using just default libraries in Python 3 (tested with Python 3.4). Linear system is solved by matrix factorization.

This snippet was used for NUM2 subject in FJFI, 2015 as a final project. Big thanks to my friend Vojta, who also participate.

This is just for educational purposes and cannot be used for cheating.

Here is the code (download):

from math import cos, sin, pi

# Settings 
g1 = float(input("Value in y(0) = ")) # 3 ... y(0)  
g2 = float(input("Value in y(pi/2) = ")) # 1.5 ...  y(pi/2)

m = int(input("Number of steps: ")) # e.g. 1000  
h = (pi/2)/m  # krok site  
net = [i*h for i in range(m+1)]  # body site

# Initial 
f = lambda x: 8 * cos(4*x) + (sin(2*x) ** 2)  # f(x)  
p = lambda x: -1  # p(x)  
q = lambda x: 7  # q(x)

P = [p(i*h) for i in range(m+1)]  
Q = [q(i*h) for i in range(m+1)]  
F = [-f(i*h) for i in range(1,m)] 

## Solving tridiagonal matrix by matrix factorization
A = [-(P[i+1]/h**2) for i in range(m-1)]  # upper diagonal  
C = [-(P[i+1]+P[i+2])/h**2 - Q[i+1] for i in range(m-1)]  # diagonal  
B = [-(P[i+2]/h**2) for i in range(m-1)]  # lower diagonal

alphas = [0]  
betas = [g1]  
for i in range(m-1):  
    alphas.append(B[i] / (C[i] - alphas[i]*A[i]))
    betas.append((betas[i]*A[i] + F[i]) / (C[i]-alphas[i]*A[i])) 

u = [g2]  
for i in range(m):  
    u.insert(0, alphas[m-i-1]*u[0]+betas[m-i-1]) 

## Write to file in gnuplot format
## In gnuplot just type: plot "out.txt"
with open("out.txt", "w", encoding="utf8") as outf:  
    outf.write("# x \t y\n")
    for xova, yova in zip(net, u):
        outs = "{0} {1}\n".format(xova, yova)