Lund reports

This part of site is only temporal during my stay in Lund.

CAUTION: These reports are written mainly for my friends, family and possibly some potential future exchange students in Lund - hence, it's mixture of my experiences, feelings and facts. They are usually being written in rush and the quality might be low... The main purpose is to give my friends quick info about how I am doing here. There might be some crucial language mistakes! I will be very happy if you leave a note if you spot some.


Stěžejní post o tom, jak vnímám dosavadní pobyt a Švédsko, můžete nalézt v postu Švédsko mýma očima.

Směsici dalších poznatků můžete nalézt na následujících místech:

  1. Jak se dostat do Lundu a co tu lze vidět
  2. Co jsem se tu dozvěděl od Erasmáků
  3. Ceny ve Švédsku
  4. Žebráci, imigranti a terorismus


Folder with photos is available here

  1. Lund #1 - first day
  2. Lund #2 - second day
  3. Lund #3 - first week
  4. Lund #4 - second week (CZ)
  5. Lund #5 - third week
  6. Lund #6 - fourth week
  7. Lund #7 - end of introduction weeks
  8. Lund #8 - travelling with friends
  9. Accommodation in Lund