Tag: python.
- My Python stack variant June 2019
- DSL in Python as a Python subset
- Running scipy-notebook in docker publicly with a password
- Fast HTTP streaming in Python and Linux
- Logstash formatter on stdout for Django
- Django REST framework how to structure your app
- Comparison of compression libs on HDF in pandas
- Python: Producer's queue consumed by workers
- Adding django-disqus to a wagtail site
- Setting a specific value to tqdm progress bar
- R vs. Python for Machine Learning
- How to use XGBoost in Python
- Convert many .cvf contacts to Google Contacts importable CSV
- Limitations of Pandas (0.18.0) HDFStore
- Reducing dtype size of a Numpy/Pandas array
- Export debts from Splitwise.com
- Why I prefer Django over Rails (and beginners should too)
- Exporting tasks from Wunderlist to Todoist using Python
- Simple socket server-client application in Python 3
- Good habits when writing small console modules and scripts in Python 3
- Predicting sequences of vectors (regression) in Keras using RNN - LSTM
- Creating your own estimator in scikit-learn
- Installing spirit forum on your django website with Mandrill
- Fitting distribution in histogram using Python